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We accept most insurance plans.


We accept most health insurance plans, including Medicare.

Auto accident cases are also accepted at our clinic.


Chiropractic care coverage varies for each insurance plan.  Sometimes, insurance plans have a deductible to meet before treatment is covered. 

If you have any questions about what your insurance may cover, our staff will always verify your benefits before treatment at no charge.


No Insurance

For patients who have no insurance, no chiropractic insurance coverage, high deductible plans or exhausted their insurance benefits for the year, we offer discount price to help non-insurance patients.

Initial Visit: (New patient) $135.00

                 (included consultation, examination, and full treatment)

The Following Visit (full treatment): $65.00/$55.00*

                                                           *Special price for

                              Senior over 65/Active Military/Student until high school (ID required)

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with us, or have questions, please contact our clinic.

There is no guarantee of coverage or payment.
Please understand that health insurance company may deny or revoke payment for the services received.
Patient will be responsible of any denied service amount.
If your insurance company denies your claims, patient will be responsible to pay our cash fee of $135.00/$65.00.

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